Coaches Corner


Fusion Softball follows the guidelines provided by Minnesota Softball. These requirements are needing to be completed prior to engaging in any formal activities with their team:


The ACE (Aspire, Challenge, Encourage) Coaching Program is a coaching education program, developed and designed to provide softball coaches of all levels – from beginning coaches to experienced veterans – an opportunity to be educated as a coach with a national softball organization.

ACE website can be found here scroll down to the middle of the page and click on the "ACE Education" tab and follow instructions.

2. BACKGROUND CHECK (Included with ACE Coaching Education)

All adults that are on the softball field or in the dugout need to have their background checked.

Coaches going through ACE Coaching Education will have a background check included with the training.
This can be done here scroll down to the middle of the page and click on the "Background Check" tab and follow instructions.


SafeSport is a federal law and all coaches in youth sports must complete this training. The safety of our participants in softball is of utmost importance. Education and awareness are the most critical components to creating safe and respectful sporting environments, free of abuse and harassment. Our team of subject matter experts develop best practices, policies and programs consistent with guidance from leading organizations. SafeSport is building its repository of best practices and is eager to work with your organization to champion respect and end abuse in sports.

All adults working with children must complete this free program. You can begin your SafeSport training at this link just click on the "SafeSport" tab in the middle of the page and if you are logged in it should show your current season compliancy or what you need to complete.

4. CONCUSSION AWARENESS (Need to complete every other year)

Concussion Awareness is a state law and all coaches in youth sports must complete this training. Heads Up to Youth Sports is a free, online course and using what you learn, you will be well positioned to improve the culture of concussion. Your actions can help create a safe environment for young athletes so that they can stay healthy, active, and thrive - both on and off the playing field.

All coaches must go through this concussion training. You can take your online training at


After completing steps 1-4, upload the certificates obtained to and your compliance status for the season will change to compliant. All Coaches will be rostered on their respective teams.

Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA)

Fusion Coaches participated in a workshop hosted by The Positive Coaches Alliance.

Here are some resources from that workshop.